And what's the funniest thing of all, is that you all are talking about it. That my dear is the point.
Right on, Heather. My perspective is that of a non/never been JW. I hate all cults in general, and I see the common thread among them: shunning, broken familes, “we’re the ONLY true religion,” huge commitment. (waste) of time and/or money, wasted lives, brainwashing, suicide & depression.
I see them as a cancer on society, and I believe that ANY action (nonviolent), which brings attention to a cult, is a worthy cause. Sure, it feeds the persecution complex of those already in the cult, which causes many to say, “why bother?” Just “live your life.” If I had been a JW, then I might share that mindset, out of a desire to stay as far removed as possible any memories of my association with them, or to distance myself from friends & family still in the cult. As an outsider, I see it more as informing the general public about this cult. The more publicity there is about their blood policy & needless child deaths caused by it, the better. The more publicity about their rampant child abuse coverup and their data-base of over 25,000 pedophiles, the better.
People were talking about Scientology before Leah Remini stepped in, but she’s since taken it to a whole new level. The same needs to happen to the Watchtower, for the benefit of everyone.
Sure, the rank & file cult member will pretty much nod their head up & down, lapping up whatever useless drivel pours out of their ‘dear leader’s’ mouth. BUT...if enough people make enough noise about it, then the cult leaders either change, runaway to a remote tax haven, or jump off a 50 story building. This, in turn, forces the rank & file to accept reality, or go insane. Kinda reminds one of the end of WW2, when the Nazis scattered, and Hirohito announced to the Japanese citizenry, that, in fact, he really WASN’T their GOD after all.
@Heather, here’s a quote you might like: “Lead me, follow me, or get out of the way”—-General George Patton